新製品が安い 羽生結弦


《送料無料(一部離島など除く)》ファイテン(phiten) RAKUWAネックX100 ミラーボール アースカラー 40cm 【羽生結弦選手愛用商品】
ボディケアグッズその他 ファイテン PHITEN RAKUWAネックX100 ミラーボールシルバー×シルバー 40cm羽生結弦使用モデル TG640151
RAKUWAネックX100(ミラーボール)ブラック×ゴールド 40cm羽生結弦使用モデル【PHITEN】ファイテンボディケアグッズソノタ(TG640051)*00
送料無料 ファイテン(PHITEN) RAKUWAネックX100(チョッパーモデル)ブラック50cm羽生結弦使用モデル (fal-tg472053-)
ボディケアグッズその他 ファイテン PHITEN RAKUWAネックX100 ミラーボールブラック×ゴールド 40cm羽生結弦使用モデル TG640051
RAKUWAネックX100(チョッパーモデル)ブラック50cm 羽生結弦使用モデル【PHITEN】ファイテンボディケアグッズソノタ(TG472053)*00




A friend of mine went to the P&G talk show live view and wrote the report.

I like to share that with the English translation.

*She couldn’t of course wrote everything down of what Hanyu said, but she wanted to share about the talk show and I hope you will get the general idea of what Hanyu was talking about.

Reported by 

 Proofread by 

 Gif by 

Thank you so much all of you for the cooperation!






41,000 applied for tickets for the talk show event. 4,300 got tickets to watch a live stream. 300 got to see the show in person.

He was wearing a FaoI t-shirt & waving as he walked onto the stage. Smiling. Black pants, black shoes, all black!


“I am Yuzuru Hanyu. Yes. Thank you for coming here today. Maybe some of you are burned out after the ice show. This is the t-shirt for the ice show. Please buy it.” Smile. “And actually, this is size S. I don’t like a shirt to be too loose.”


MC: Congratulations on your gold medal.


H: Thank you very much. Yes, I hear your voice.


At that time, I suffered and was anxious. Things like cheering can be a pressure. For me, it becomes a mission or sense of duty to win, so it becomes my power. Winning the gold medal was my childhood dream. That also spurred me on.

[Hanyu comments on his Olympic FS]

[Watching a video of a jump]


10.50  3.00  3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13.50



“This is the salchow. Of course, people who have watched me perform many times can tell how important it is to me to land the first jump. The quality of the first jump makes a big difference.

The sense of the first jump’s axis and rotation is important. So I did it successfully and continued like that.

I could feel that I had fully rotated the jump. I could give myself a full score for the salchow.”



“During the 6-minute warmup, I wasn’t doing so well. That probably make the audience anxious as well. I was too.

[the success] I think it was the power from everyone’s support.”

[showing film clips of salchow & toe loop]


16.28 x 2.71 3 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 18.99





“I did it! Good job! [laughs] This quad-triple combination jump in the second half of the program was actually pretty serious business for me.

If I couldn’t land it successfully, I would suffer. So, if I could do it, I thought that I would be able to deliver a flawless program. So, I was motivated for that jump. If this jump became an error, the second half of the program would lose tension, so I was hoping to land this jump.”


“So the cheers from the audience express joy, but also nervousness at the same time [laughs]”



‘Be quiet and let me concentrate,’ I was thinking. There are people who don’t normally watch figure skating who come to the Olympics. I was grateful that they could maintain silence and give me a chance to concentrate before my performance.

I have a long process to my routine, so maybe the audience would want to show their excitement during that whole time … [still they kept their silence]



When I received the cheer after I landed the jump, [hearing that] I think I was convinced I could jump

I saw everyone’s hands in the praying position




When I watched my performance in slow motion, I thought, yeah, everyone is doing this [puts hands in prayer position; laughs]

I rewatch my performance at the competition often, so I realize it was due to everyone’s support”

[a film clip of the lutz was shown]


6.60 x -1.10 -1 -2 -2 -1 -2 -2 -1 -2 -1 5.50




“At this point, my coach was actually really jumping [laughs]

I didn’t even think I could land it. The axis was so tilted. It’s almost like a miracle. My foot was slipping. If it was a normal practice and landed like that ( I fell) …. I was feeling up for the jump, but I didn’t think the axis was that tilted.




it almost reminded me of the lutz that I fell on that got me my injury. According to the technical criteria , I was flowing, but still landed on the ice firmly.

If it was a normal situation, the boots would touch the ice … [and fall]

I think it was the power of everyone’s [“Don’t fall!!!”] [laugh]. The prayer was heard, I think.”


[a film clip of the sit spin through the end]



“I am laughing [laugh] – like, how could I land that lutz … like [laugh]

“I had a sense of the achievement when I was doing this step sequence – and this is the first time for me to say this – and the image I usually have for this step sequence is Seimei running through the bamboo forest and then, after that, flowers growing.But [at the Olympics] I was skating with the feeling of excitement [fun] [laugh]. I was being Yuzuru Hanyu more than trying to express character of Seimei .

In the midst, I was trying to enjoy the Olympics and retain the memory.”


Hanyu commenting while watching film of his performance:

「プログラム曲は体に染みついてるんで、大体、口ずさめるんですけど、リズムとかメロディとかパーカッションとか口ずさんでる。フィニッシュ、本気のぱ~~んデス(笑)(笑)(笑) ちゃらーーんとか言ってます。(笑) ぱーーん(笑) 楽しんでた感じです。」

“The music of the programs permeates my body, so I usually sing. Rhythm, melody, percussion, I hum. The finish, this is my serious <ba-n [the pause before the last segment]> [laugh] I was humming and enjoying.”


About FaoI:


“The live collaboration with the musical artists – it’s different from the usual ice shows in that the wonderful skaters skate together. It’s also different from exhibitions. I hope you will enjoy the group number and the collaboration with the musical artists.”



“The round-off is connected to the back-flip. And I can’t do the back-flip. I get pretty nervous when I do it.

Like what if I get out of my hands. The ice is pretty rough. The move from Let’s Go Crazy that everyone calls “zuza”, scrapes the knees. Johnny’s knee was bleeding. Everyone is shaving our body when doing ice shows.”



“My jump success rate is still low. I started practicing about a week before CwW. After CwW, there was the garden party and other events happening, so I couldn’t practice for about 10 days. I was surprised that I landed the 3A in Makuhari. I thought it would be good if the first jump I showed everyone would be the 3A. As to the current situation, the period of my rehabilitation will be over around the end of FaoI. I would like to train little by little for the upcoming season.”


The MC asked Hanyu to talk about his mother (P&G is the official sponsor for mothers)


While Hanyu watched the P&G TV CM:


“This TV CM with the practice is pretty rare To show myself and my younger self in the mirror and the rink, it was difficult in many ways.”



What I most appreciate about my mother is that she prepares meals and does the laundry and the housework. Men don’t do that generally.

I do have some friends [male] who likes to do housework.But we are children and depend on our parents. So, I am so thankful that she gives me the time to rest.



I think a child can’t live without a mother. I think it is good to have a [safe] place to return to.

When I return to my house, I can be a son, little brother Yuzuru Hanyu, which makes me happy



I feel that I was really wonderfully cared for.

I think that there are many varieties of ways to shape a family. It is good for a mother to create a place that the family can return to.


I think there are so many mothers here, and those who aren’t mothers, those who are not going to be mothers, as well as young women who are not going to be mothers anytime soon. But, as long as humans exist, mothers exist. So, while I was watching this CM, I was thinking that the only place that people return to is a family.”


I was talking to my dear friends 




about what Hanyu was saying for the family and mother and housework and things.



True.Every family has its own dynamic.

No one have right to judge the family’s housework. If they do, please share their own first.

Every family is different.

I just afraid that Yuzu will withdraw from public and limited his speech

Did Papa or Mama Hanyu protest in public?

The answer is no.

It’s his family his privacy

Yuzu family has been sacrifice so much, people just see the bright shine spotlight.

But how many battles that Yuzu family faced, We will never know.

I think Yuzu family is some kind of each doing their share.

Yuzu do his best to compete and study.

↑That’s what both of them said about this and I totally agree with that!!



Question: My son(8) who became a FS nerd was asking me why Keegan Messing has changed his nationality from USA to Canada.←I don’t even know how he founds this out! And  of course I don’t know why. If you know why, please let me know then I and my son will be able to have a good night’s sleep tonight. Thanks!



Thanks for reading my blog. 

For my motivation, if you could click this banner will be great. It’s connecting to the blog ranking.!

Thank you!


羽生結弦 関連ツイート

RT @melos_mag: 羽生結弦選手、新しいフリープログラムについて言及しました😊

#羽生結弦 #joc #羽生くん #羽生結弦選手が大好き #YuzuruHanyu #フィギュアスケート #国民栄誉賞 #フリープログラム https://t.co/qBZyelzzcK

RT @melos_mag: 羽生結弦選手、国民栄誉賞についてコメントです🎊㊗️

#羽生結弦 #joc #羽生くん #羽生結弦選手が大好き #フィギュアスケート #YuzuruHanyu #国民栄誉賞 https://t.co/uK7Pp19UfE

RT @melos_mag: 羽生結弦選手、新しいフリープログラムについて言及しました😊

#羽生結弦 #joc #羽生くん #羽生結弦選手が大好き #YuzuruHanyu #フィギュアスケート #国民栄誉賞 #フリープログラム https://t.co/qBZyelzzcK


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